Many marketing companies sell tons of different ways to boost your business’s visibility online, but only a few of them even bother to tell you why. In case you aren’t aware of the importance of online visibility for businesses, here are some facts you should consider:

  1. You can use the Internet to connect with many people

There are approximately 4.17 billion people who use the Internet worldwide! About 3.17 billion people that are active social media users.

In North America, 78.6% of the population uses the Internet; the number of users just keeps on growing. Fun fact, the number of Internet users has increased by 566% since the year 2000, and every second there are 8 new users who start to use the Internet.

  1. You can remind people about your company and brand.

Why would businesses put up billboards and place ads in newspapers, magazines, and TV shows? Even if they aren’t pushing a particular product or service, they do this for recognition. They want people to know that their company exists because when people have something they need from a particular niche or industry, they think of that brand first.

Branding and recognition is vital for a business. Being online means having your “billboard” seen by millions of people.

  1. You can inform others about your products and services.

Unlike billboards, prints ads, and TV spots, there are no limitations on how much you can say about what you offer to your potential customers.

You can tell them pretty much everything there is to know about what you provide, including giving a manual for them to read. People can then be made aware of all the benefits and details of your products and services.

  1. You can engage your potential customers.

Unlike traditional advertising, being online means the ability and opportunity to have a two-way relationship with your customers and prospects.

You can hear from them directly, and have them answer surveys, helping you determine what they want. You can even study their behavior on your site or platform to find out which of your products and services are the most popular with them and what works best.

  1. You can sell DIRECTLY to your customers.

By being visible online, you aren’t limited to advertising and marketing. You can actually sell to your customers directly.

Online sales are now very popular, and they are no longer considered a novelty. In fact, about 58% of users use the Internet for shopping purposes.

All these reasons just beg the question of how you can be visible online.

There is a complete difference between being visible online and simply having an online presence

One is like having a store in the busiest part of town and having one far, far away on a lonely road.

You *need* to be visible online and that’s where the real SEO comes in.

Remember, there is billions of people use the Internet daily and if you’re not using it to your advantage… now is the time for you to do so!